Discover why strong importer relationships matter more than chasing orders for F&B success in Japan.
Western F&B Brand: “When can we get a new order?”
Focusing solely on chasing orders can lead to more work with fewer results. This approach often creates challenges such as:
So, what’s a better way forward?
Rather than pursuing short-term wins, prioritize fostering lasting partnerships with your Japanese importers. Here’s how:
1. Partnership
Treat your importers as partners, not just buyers.
Read more about this principle in this article:
Why Distributors in Japan Are More Than Just Customers
2. Consistency
Maintain regular contact; don’t disappear after one or two approaches.
Read more about this principle in this article:
Consistency: The Key to F&B Success in Japan
3. Consumer Insight
Understand your importer’s customers and build trust by aligning with their needs.
Read more about this principle in this article:
How Understanding Local Consumers Drives F&B Success in Japan
4. Support
Provide sales and marketing support to help your importer position your brand competitively.
Read more about this principle in this article:
How to Support Distributors and Position Your F&B Brand for Success in Japan
By focusing on partnerships, consistency, consumer insight, and support, you can create mutually beneficial relationships that encourage long-term success. When you build trust and demonstrate value to your importers, repeat orders will follow naturally.
Learn how tailored communication at every level speeds importer support in Japan’s F&B market.
Learn how to gain distributor commitment and boost your F&B brand’s revenue in Japan.
Focus on the underlying reasons behind slow importer commitments and how brands can address them.